Arctic Air-Cooled VWs was originally named Aurora Air-Cooled Club of Alaska, co-founded by Randy Elwood and Tim “Smitty” Smith. We are serious about the Air-Cooled VW scene and really want to make this club big and well known in the VW world. We are an officially licensed Volkswagen club.
2024/2025 Club Officers:
• President: Eddie Hoecher
• Vice-President: Vacant
• Treasurer: Vacant
• Secretary: Annamaria
• Member at Large: Rose Mary Clark
• Member at Large: Carl Clark
Mailing address
Arctic Air-cooled VWs
3705 Arctic Blvd. #1300
Anchorage, AK 99503
Club Email Address:
If you are interested in becoming a member, all you need to do is send us your name, address, phone numbers, year, make and model of VW’s owned. Owning a VW is not required for membership, there are plenty of enthusiasts out there who are still searching for their dream car or project. Our meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of every month. Dues are $24/year per family. You can either mail it to us at the address below, or bring it to a meeting. Members not paid by the end of January will lose their membership privileges (such as they are) ie…voting, discounts on club merchandise, having their cars featured on the website, etc. The meeting location changes occasionally, so check our Club News page or home page for the time and location of our next meeting.
If you are a member, please email us a photo of your air-cooled VW(s) so Jeff can get it (them) in the Members’ Rides page.
One AACVWs window sticker is included with your membership. We will also send out a monthly meeting reminder of when, where, and what’s up in the local car scene. If you don’t want to receive these emails, you can always opt out with an email request.
Members not paid by the end of January will lose their membership privileges ie… voting, discounts on club merchandise, having their cars featured on the website, etc.
• $24/year per family if you pay in person at a meeting or mail it in, or
• $30/year per family if you pay online*, due in January
*(includes CC Processing fees and cost of shipping for your window sticker)
To become a member of AACVW’s or renew your annual membership, you may complete the online form below and securely pay with your credit card with PayPal (no PayPal account is required). One AACVWs window sticker is included with your membership. We will also send out a monthly meeting reminder of when, where, and what’s up in the local car scene. If you don’t want to receive these emails you can always opt out with an email request.
To become a member of AACVW’s or renew your annual membership, you may complete the online form below and securely pay with your credit card with PayPal (no PayPal account is required). One AACVWs window sticker is included with your membership. We will also send out a monthly meeting reminder of when, where, and what’s up in the local car scene. If you don’t want to receive these emails you can always opt out with an email request.
Recruitment Cards
Have you seen an aircooled VW in a parking lot, and want to introduce them to our club? Leave them one of these club recruitment cards!
Click here to download
T-shirts are still available…short sleeve $10 for members/$15 for non-members and long sleeve $15 for members/$20 for non-members. Hats are $20 for members (current dues paid) and $25 for non-members.
Have a photo of your VW?
Members can send Jeff a photo of your car (or work in progress) for the Members’ Rides page.